Man Steals Dough from Cars to Support Chicago Pizza Habit
A man has been arrested for stealing money from cars to pay for his pizza habit. The man, from the Chicago suburb of...

Chicago Man Freed After 20 Years in Jail
A man, who had previously been sentenced to life in prison for murder, was freed from Chicago’s Cook County Jail after serving over...

Woman Ordered to Pay Back $1 Million Stolen from Naperville Law Firm
A DuPage County judge sentenced a woman to eight years in prison and repayment of the $1,029,000 she stole from a Naperville Law...

Chicago Storage Locker Contents Lead to Child Porn Arrest
We’ve all seen the popular television programs where buyers bid for the right to purchase abandoned storage lockers. What treasures did the unlucky...

Chicago Men Charged In Kidnapping
Five Chicago men were arrested and stand accused of the kidnapping of a man from outside his suburban home in the Chicago suburb...

Two Men Accused of Killing and Robbing Chicago Family Friend
Intent on robbing and killing a family friend of one of the men, two men drove from Phoenix, Arizona to Chicago, Illinois. Both...

Deerfield Teacher Charged with Battery to Student
In Illinois, a battery involves a touching of another person, although not every touching constitutes a battery. For instance, shaking another person's hand...

Aurora Alderman Arrested for Retail Theft
A suburb of Chicago, Aurora spans the counties of Kane, DuPage, Kendall, and Will. Just this week, an elected alderman from Aurora was...

Lake County Man Arrested After Fingerprints Reveal True Identity
Hundreds of times a day, police all around the state of Illinois detain arrestees for criminal and traffic cases ranging from speeding tickets...