A DuPage County judge sentenced a woman to eight years in prison and repayment of the $1,029,000 she stole from a Naperville Law Firm.
The woman, formerly of Wilmington, Illinois, was accused of stealing more than $1 million over a six year period from the Naperville law firm where she worked in the accounting department. She pleaded guilty to the theft charges in January.
According to police sources, her theft was not noticed until a year after she left the law firm. The Naperville police began to investigate after being notified by the law firm. The woman had forged 218 checks and had written them to a dummy corporation she had set up. She used the stolen funds to purchase cars, motorcycles, and a boat.
The investigation also led to another arrest of the woman in Will County accused and convicted of embezzling $100,000 from the flooring company she worked for. She has since served a prison sentence in Will County for that case.
Although the woman claims to have a disabled husband, sick mother, and gambling problems, there was no evidence to support this according to the Assistant State's Attorney.
She will be eligible for parole in about 2.5 years with day-for-day credit and the time already served in jail.
If you are facing criminal charges in the greater Chicago metropolitan area, you’ll need a strong attorney to represent you. Contact Mitchell S. Sexner & Associates LLC and let us review your case today free of charge to see how we can be of help.
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