President Obama has taken a bold stance on gun violence happening here in Chicago by shifting the blame to out of state gun dealers. At a gathering of police chiefs dedicated to reforming the national justice system, the President suggested that Indiana and Wisconsin are at least partially responsible for the dramatic increase in Chicago's gun violence.
As reported by The Daily Caller, the President's position stems from remarks made by gun lobbyists and gun advocates who suggest Chicago as a perfect example of why gun laws fail. Currently, Chicago has the highest rate of gun violence in the nation. President Obama stated, “The problem with that argument, as the Chicago Police Department will tell you, is that 60 percent of guns recovered in crimes come from out of state."
Statistically, the President’s point is correct.
Chicago has reported that an overwhelming amount of guns pulled off the street are from neighboring states Indiana and Wisconsin. Neither of those states require background checks for guns bought at conventions or online. However, it is worth noting that at least 20 percent of guns rounded up by police originated from gun dealers within the Chicago area.
For too many people in Chicago, the problem isn't where the gun came from, but the damage it caused. If you have recently been impacted by gun violence, or were involved in a gun related crime, contact the attorneys at Mitchell S. Sexner & Associates LLC for a consultation.