Our Blog

June 30th, 2020

The Crime of Looting in Chicago

Recently, I spoke to a person who had recently been charged with a theft arising out of the recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the Chicago area. Despite the city’s nonviolent protests, he was part of a group that unfortunately took the opportunity to loot businesses, rather than engage in peaceful protest. What happened in...

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June 25th, 2020

When Can I Resist the Police?

You are just minding your own business when all of a sudden, you are being confronted by a police officer, displaying a badge, asserting their authority, and commanding you to comply. “Wait a minute--isn’t this America? Do I not have rights under the Constitution?” The answer is yes, of course you have rights; but resisting...

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June 15th, 2020

Holy Misdemeanor Batman!

Keeping the streets of Gotham devoid of criminals is undoubtedly hard work because for some reason, criminals (and especially arch-criminals) have always been drawn to this urban enclave. It may be due to the historically low rents for the many available abandoned factories that dot the city. These rental units seem to be the perfect...

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June 8th, 2020

Can You be Accountable For Another's Crime?

Consider the following. You and your friend Bill decide to drive to the University of Illinois Chicago campus to check it out. You agree to drive because Bill does not have a car. On the way there, you stop at the Sac-O-Suds convenience store to pick up some snacks. Because you are good citizens who...

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June 4th, 2020

Arrested During a Chicago Police Demonstration?

The recent death of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota Police officers during an arrest have sparked nationwide demonstrations in cities across America, including the City of Chicago. Most demonstrations here started out peacefully with most citizens taking to the streets to express their point of view. But while the majority of Chicagoans obeyed...

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June 1st, 2020

Police Chokeholds Banned by Most Departments

Since at least 2012, what is commonly referred to as a chokehold has been banned by the Chicago Police Department, although prior to that, the maneuver was once taught in the Chicago Police Academy. A variety of other holding techniques are authorized by the CPD for the purpose of restraining subjects which include wristlocks and...

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May 27th, 2020

Since When is it a Crime to Cough?

People cough every day, potentially dozens of times a day. People also tend to sneeze from time to time and although it’s not considered very polite, sometimes they spit as well. Even the police do these things. So, what exactly is the big deal? How can one of these relatively normal bodily functions ever be...

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May 14th, 2020

Who Can “Drop the Charges”?

Many times, someone will say that they heard that the victim of their criminal or traffic case intends to “drop the charges” and the person just wants to confirm that they will be able to do that. Well, unless the “they” that’s being referred to is the prosecutor, “they” can’t. Not even a judge can...

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Written by Mitchell S. Sexner Last Updated : January 13, 2023