Ticketed for a Moving Violation in the Chicago area?

Ticketed for a Moving Violation in the Chicago area

Tickets come in all shapes and sizes. Some are not all that serious like failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, while others are significant felonies punishable by more than a year in jail such as Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding. Even if your ticket is not one of the more serious types, almost any ticket could end up suspending your license or raising your insurance rates if not handled properly. But pick the right attorney at the start and you’ll have the best chance at success. At Mitchell S. Sexner & Associates LLC, we are professionals with a history of successful results. --And we’re ready to help you right now.

Many Types of Traffic Tickets

Since 1990, our attorneys have handled a wide variety of traffic as well as criminal cases. From simple speeding tickets to traffic accidents involving serious injury or reckless homicide, our experienced attorneys offer professional and affordable representation. Whatever type of case that you are charged with, chances are that one of our attorneys has handled such a case many, many times before.

Is Supervision a Good Result?

Frequently, our attorneys are able to negotiate traffic cases quickly and easily, sometimes even on the first day of court. Under certain circumstances, we may be able to get your case dismissed completely or get you a sentence called supervision if you qualify. Then, as long as you stay out of trouble while on supervision and do what the Judge asks of you, supervision will generally not hurt your driving record or count as a conviction that could lead to larger problems or a suspension. Of course, every case is different. Depending on your driving history, you may need to pay a fine or sometimes do some community service as well.

Sometimes Trial is the Best Option

There are other times however, when the prosecutor is offering a sentence that we believe is too severe and may include jail. And there are times when you may not want to accept the prosecutor’s offer under any circumstances. In such circumstances, we will continue to fight for your rights and do our very best to get you out of your mess. We know how important your license is to you and we know that no one ever wants to go to jail. In some cases, we can file motions or go to trial in an effort to get your case dismissed or reduced. We know the best ways to try to accomplish this, because we’ve been successfully handling these traffic and criminal cases for many years.

You Need Straight and Honest Information

We will always give you an honest appraisal of your chances at success. Once we have looked at your driving record and discussed your case, we will give you our best assessment about whether you may likely win at trial or what sentence you might receive. Our main job is to keep you fully informed about the progress of your case and your chances for success. If it’s good news, we’ll tell you. If it’s bad news, we’ll tell you that too. The last thing you need is a lawyer that sugar-coats your case for you or makes it last longer than necessary. We’ll give it to you straight.

Arrange a Free Consultation to Learn Your Options

Our fees are very competitive and are quoted as flat fees, not hourly. In most cases, payment plans are available and a free meeting with an attorney is usually available up front to discuss your case more in detail. When we speak, we will be able to quote you exact fees depending on the tickets that you received, the facts of your specific case and what your driving record looks like. So, if it is at all possible, please bring a copy of your driving record to your free meeting. You can get a driving record by going to any Secretary of State Office and just asking for one.

The Secretary of State is also known as the Department of Motor Vehicles and it’s the place where people get their licenses renewed. There are many locations. Just ask for a “court purposes driving abstract”. They will print it right out for you for a small fee. If you bring this record with you when we meet, we will be able to see your whole Illinois driving history and then we can give you our best assessment about what path or strategy our legal team thinks would be best under your particular circumstances. Even if you can’t get a driving record, you should still set up a free meeting with an attorney from our office.

Experienced Traffic Legal Team Since 1990

Phone lines at Mitchell S. Sexner & Associates LLC are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Our attorneys have decades of experience in all criminal and traffic matters from DUI to Suspended License to Leaving the Scene of an Accident and everything in between. We can be reached at (312) 644-0444 or contacted through this website at any time.

Written by Mitchell S. Sexner Last Updated : July 19, 2024