To say that the credibility of the Chicago Police Department and city government has been compromised is a bit of an understatement. Like so many other police departments, Chicago PD has a long road ahead of it.
Regaining the public trust after such a flagrant abuse of power will take years, not months. There have been many suggestions on how to do this – some more realistic than others. One approach, while expensive, may help provide a certain level of transparency that didn't exist before.
Six districts within the Chicago PD will now be outfitted with body cameras. The $2.2 million camera purchase came only days after Chicago PD released dash cam footage of the Laquan McDonald murder. Mayor Rahm Emanuel hopes the move will “help enhance transparency and credibility as well as strengthen the fabric of trust that is vital between police and the community." While it remains to be seen whether this will accomplish the mayor’s goal, it's a step in the right direction.
Currently, about one third of all police departments in the nation use body cameras.
Of course, body cameras are a great way of getting the facts straight, but they won't stop every cop from abusing their post. If law enforcement officers have abused your rights, speak with the attorneys at Mitchell S. Sexner & Associates LLC today. We have helped many people who've been abused by police. We can be there for you as well.