People often say that they are “just in the wrong place at the wrong time” and often this is true. Across Chicago and throughout counties such as Cook, Lake, Kane, Will, DuPage and McHenry, police conduct surveillance on high crime areas and known drug sale locations. If you live near or are traveling through such an area, it’s always possible that you may mistakenly get caught up in a “sweep” even if you weren’t breaking the law. If you linger near a known drug house it can happen, or if you stop to talk to a strange woman, you may find out that she is actually an undercover cop involved in a prostitution “sting”. Similarly, those that hang out with others who are known to be gang members or convicted criminals are often just asking for trouble, because you can never be sure who the police are watching.
But recently, a Chicago woman took the concept to new heights. Just a month after being released from prison at Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln, Illinois, Shermain Miles said that she had changed her ways. She intended to keep away from alcohol, crime and others that tend to cause trouble. Unfortunately, that pledge didn’t seem to last very long, because she was recently arrested again for a number of new criminal offenses such as misdemeanor battery, reckless conduct, drinking in public and theft.
So what makes this interesting? Hundreds and hundreds of people are arrested every day in Chicago for misdemeanor and felony crimes, you might say. That’s true, but few people have ever been arrested 397 times as is the case here. According to reports, Ms. Miles was charged with stealing a set of keys from a man and she was later located drinking and engaged in a physical altercation. Surprisingly, that number of arrests isn’t apparently even a record in Chicago!
So whether you have been arrested 400 times or whether this is your very first arrest, the criminal attorneys at Mitchell S. Sexner & Associates LLC have the experience to help you. Since 1990, we’ve helped over 10,000 people, so call us anytime for a free consultation.

Source: Chicago CBS News, “Woman, Just Out Of Prison, Arrested For 397th Time”, December 20, 2013.