Differences Between Drug Trafficking and Possession
When it comes to drug crimes in Illinois, police and prosecutors generally want to punish dealers and distributors more than users. Accordingly, the...

What To Do if You Are Caught with a Schedule II Drug in Illinois?
While attitudes toward drug crimes are changing in Illinois, especially when it comes to drug possession, being caught with drugs can still lead...

Everything You Need to Know About Your Heroin Charge
Heroin is generally considered one of the most harmful illegal drugs people use, and the penalties for being caught with even a small...

How to Approach a Cocaine Charge
A sentence for possession, manufacturing, or another offense involving cocaine can include imprisonment and fines. State laws punish these crimes harshly. If convicted,...

What Qualifies as Drug Paraphernalia?
While one may face charges for the possession of drugs, the possession of drug paraphernalia is also a crime punishable by several different...

Charged with Drug Possession? What You Should Know About Criminal Immunity
Illinois is not immune to the drug crisis sweeping the nation. Studies show 47,000 people died of opioid-related overdoses nationwide in 2017. Illinois...

Avoiding Jail Time by Going to Rehab
In the fifth decade of the federal “War on Drugs,” imprisonment feels almost like an absolute guarantee to those being prosecuted for drug-related...

The Legal Consequences to Getting Caught with Steroids in Illinois
You may be familiar with anabolic steroids from the many headlines of scandals in the sporting world, but the abuse of this drug...

Penalties and Sentences for Importing and Distributing Fentanyl
If you asked the average citizen to name some of the most dangerous drugs, heroin and morphine are likely to come up on...