What You Need to Know When Arrested for Underage Drinking in Cook County
Research conducted in 2018 from the Illinois Youth Survey revealed that 40 percent of 10th graders across the state and in Cook County...

What to Know if You're Arrested for Shoplifting
Retailers across Illinois and the country are currently preparing for the busiest time of the year: the winter holidays. The preparation goes beyond...

Accused of Violating Your Probation? Here’s What You Should Do.
A sentence of probation is meant to be an alternative to imprisonment and other more serious penalties. People who are put on probation...

Factors that Determine if You Should Plea Bargain
When many people think of the court system in the United States, they immediately picture prosecutors and defense attorneys arguing in front of...

What to Say If You Are Arrested in Illinois
Many people have only a vague idea of what happens when they are arrested. Many misconceptions abound, at least partly due to inaccurate...

What Are Motions and Why Do Lawyers File Them?
What is a Motion? Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute defines a motion as a “request to a court for a desired ruling...

What is a First Appearance?
When people think of the trial process, many people picture heated arguments between prosecutors and defense attorneys, the presentation of evidence, the cross-examination...

Do Police Have the Right to Search My Cell Phone?
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution defends “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and...

What You Need to Know About Criminal Damage to Property in Illinois
Keying the car of someone who angered you - Leaving a foul-smelling substance in a co-worker’s office - Breaking off a piece of...