Can You be Accountable For Another's Crime?
Consider the following. You and your friend Bill decide to drive to the University of Illinois Chicago campus to check it out. You...

Arrested During a Chicago Police Demonstration?
The recent death of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota Police officers during an arrest have sparked nationwide demonstrations in cities across...

Police Chokeholds Banned by Most Departments
Since at least 2012, what is commonly referred to as a chokehold has been banned by the Chicago Police Department, although prior to...

Since When is it a Crime to Cough?
People cough every day, potentially dozens of times a day. People also tend to sneeze from time to time and although it’s not...

Who Can “Drop the Charges”?
Many times, someone will say that they heard that the victim of their criminal or traffic case intends to “drop the charges” and...

What’s the Prosecutor’s Job?
Many people believe that it is the job of a prosecutor to fight as hard as he or she can to prove everyone...

Can I Take Back my Guilty Plea?
You were charged with an offense, perhaps a petty traffic citation, local ordinance violation, or something more serious, such as a criminal misdemeanor...

How to Find Your Court Date - Part-3
Continuance court dates are usually very straight-forward in Illinois courthouses. For instance, If you go to court in Chicago and the Judge gives...

How to Find Your Court Date – Part 2
Since sometime in March, counties in Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, McHenry, DeKalb, Will and other courts in Northern Illinois have closed their courthouses...