Chicago Criminal Defense Blog

About Miranda Warnings:  Myths and Truths Part 2

Miranda Warnings: Myths and Truths Part 2

In last week’s blog about the Miranda Warnings, we discussed that there are many misconceptions and misunderstandings about how these warnings apply to...
About Miranda Warnings:  Myths and Truths Part 1

Miranda Warnings: Myths and Truths Part 1

Do you have the right to remain silent? Technically yes. Will anything you say be used against you? You bet it will! Do...
About Reducing a DUI Charge to Reckless Driving

Reducing a DUI Charge to Reckless Driving

For many decades in Chicago and other Illinois city courts, experienced criminal defense attorneys sought out special plea deals from prosecutors seeking “reduced”...
About Can My Criminal Record Be Found Online?

Can My Criminal Record Be Found Online?

Whether you’re applying for a job, trying to get into a school or seeking anything else that might require a background check, the...
About Top 3 Worst DUI Defenses

Top 3 Worst DUI Defenses

Being charged with driving under the Influence is serious business. In Chicago and in every courthouse across the State of Illinois, even a...
About What is the Defense of Necessity?

What is the Defense of Necessity?

It’s 10:30pm. A Chicago Police Officer hits his lights and pulls over a motorist for speeding on Lake Shore Drive. The officer slowly...
About What Does “Assault and Battery” Really Mean?

What Does “Assault and Battery” Really Mean?

Turn on any television show involving criminal lawyers, courts or crime, and you will undoubtedly hear about some defendant who has been charged...
About Top 4 Worst Speeding Excuses

Top 4 Worst Speeding Excuses

You’re driving down the highway when you see the red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You slow your car to a...
About Don’t Confuse Your Google Search with Legal Advice

Don’t Confuse Your Google Search with Legal Advice

It seems like you can learn how to do just about anything on the internet! You can learn how to make your own...