How Traffic Stops Can Affect Immigration Issues in Chicago
For any motorist, a traffic stop can be an unsettling experience because it involves an interaction with a law enforcement officer. For an...

Understanding the Consequences of a Felony Conviction
If you are currently a defendant in criminal prosecution and at least one of the charges against you is a felony, you are...

How to Fight a Stalking No Contact Order or Order of Protection
Were you recently served with documents indicating someone has filed for a Stalking No Contact Order or an Order of Protection against you?...

Chicago Police Cannot Legally Detain You Because You're Nervous
If you operate a vehicle for long enough, you will likely get pulled over at some point. Most of the time, a traffic...

What is Eluding the Police?
You may have experienced that moment of fear when you first hear a police siren behind you or you see the blue and...

Understanding Misdemeanor Theft Charges in Illinois
Being arrested and charged with theft is typically an extremely stressful situation. But what theft legally entails and what must be proven by...

Can You Expunge an Assault Charge?
Most people believe that once they have completed a court sentence successfully, that their sentence will not visible to others for purposes of...

R. Kelly: Defending Sex Crimes in Illinois
One of the biggest crime stories to hit Chicago in 2019 was in reference to the bombshell accusations of sexual abuse and sexual...

How To Defend Yourself If You're The Victim of Entrapment by Chicago Police
Back in August of last year, community activists accused Chicago police officers of using “bait trucks” to catch criminals in predominantly black communities....